My Books
Ways Women Orgasm
Learn About Sexuality
A Hand Full of Cards
Women’s Sexual Behaviours & Responses
Sexuality & Sexual Techniques
Understanding Sexual Response
Research Papers
Nosper Books
The facts, logic & research findings that explain sexuality
My Books
Ways Women Orgasm
Learn About Sexuality
A Hand Full of Cards
Women’s Sexual Behaviours & Responses
Sexuality & Sexual Techniques
Understanding Sexual Response
Research Papers
Nosper Books
Posts by Jane
Responsive women use fantasy to achieve arousal alone
Reaching orgasm
How we know that the vagina is not a sex organ
The mind responds to erotic stimuli: concepts or objects
How women enjoy eroticism through sex stories
Women’s orgasm claims do not result in more sex
Women who use fantasy for sexual arousal
Women are often unsure about orgasm during sex
Men’s sexual knowledge is acquired from pornography
Sharing sexual fantasies
Women are naturally sexually passive with a lover
Women do not masturbate as a substitute for intercourse
Women’s sexual arousal relies on sexual fantasies
The receiver of intercourse need not be aroused
Mental arousal must always precede physical stimulation
Not every woman enjoys eroticism
Intercourse is totally defined by male responses
Female sexuality is defined by men and their fantasies
Arousal comes from appreciating eroticism
How we know that women do not have a sex drive
Our biological motivation to enjoy arousal and orgasm
How to give a woman an orgasm during sex
Sex drive: a need to ejaculate through intercourse
Similarities between male and female responsiveness
Clitoral stimulation is not everything
Intercourse is an act of mating and impregnation
Understanding women’s sexual and emotional needs
Clitoral stimulation
The story behind the G-spot myth (1982)
Sexual pleasure: how responsive women reach orgasm
Orgasm during sex
Rejection of research based on talking to women
Women depend on a lover to stimulate them to orgasm
What if female sexuality truly equalled male sexuality?
Platonic love is just as powerful as sexual love
Men may get more sex if they are willing to be...
Lack of arousal during sex
The romantic pleasure a woman enjoys from sex
Welcome to Love, Sex & Intimacy!
Women’s sexual dysfunction
Women drive the need for dating and romance
Women substitute sexual behaviours for responsiveness
How to orgasm
Women do not need to be like men to be valid
The function of foreplay is to assist with female arousal
The facts of female sexuality
Ego means men overlook what women contribute
Many men prefer intercourse and never offer any foreplay
Most women are not aiming for orgasm through genital stimulation
Men’s sex drive can cause them to be insensitive
Intercourse stimulates only the penetrator’s sex organ
Understanding the G-spot
Sex is an emotional bonding mechanism for men
Women are proactive lovers due to their own arousal
Real female orgasms
Men’s sexual satisfaction relies on having a lover
Some men hope that sexual pleasuring can be mutual
The ‘non-genital’ female orgasm
Sexual attraction and commitment to a relationship
Confusion over anatomy only arises with a male lover
Enjoying sexual pleasure
Understanding the value of non-sexual intimacy
Women are constantly aroused and orgasmic with a lover
How we enjoy our best orgasms
Contact Jane Thomas
The conscious and subconscious components of sexuality
Comparing orgasm from female masturbation and with a partner
Lesbianism focuses on longer-term relationships
The sexual anatomy involved in heterosexual intercourse
How to use a vibrator to discover orgasm
Male homosexuality focuses on casual sex
How a woman can learn to masturbate
Orientation is defined by who we are attracted to
Women orgasm from clitoral stimulation (cunnilingus)
Techniques women use to reach orgasm
Men cannot accept that women are unresponsive
Heterosexual relationships involve mismatched sex drives
Women have to learn how to orgasm
Characteristics of low sexual responsiveness
Most women prefer implicit explanations for their orgasms
Women have to learn how their sexual arousal works
Factors that are believed to affect male responsiveness
Women orgasm from vaginal stimulation (intercourse)
Women’s sexual arousal and orgasm are not automatic
Characteristics of high sexual responsiveness
Masturbation and fantasy require a creative imagination
Women’s sex drive to orgasm during sex
Sexual responsiveness is a male characteristic
Women’s sexuality includes providing male erotic turn-ons
Female masturbation is relatively uncommon
Responsiveness varies between individuals
Women can masturbate themselves to orgasm with a lover
Sexual arousal
Sexual responsiveness and orientation
Boys who are adolescent first have the highest sex drive
Sexual desire
Shere Hite’s research findings (1976)
Men pressure women to provide a response to intercourse
Why sex is called ‘making love’
Bill Masters and Virginia Johnson’s research (1966)
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