Ways Women Orgasm

Hi, I am Jane Thomas – founder of WaysWomenOrgasm.org. I write about the sexual experiences of real women in the population in the context of the researchers findings.

My focus is on helping women, and their lovers, who have not found answers elsewhere. I am challenging the sex advice given to women, which I believe is wrong.

Ways Women Orgasm

You can buy the paperback ‘Ways Women Orgasm’ (ISBN 978-0956-894700) from Amazon:

Ways Women Orgasm explores the contradictions in our current interpretation of women’s sexuality and the unrealistic expectations we have for female orgasm. Jane has the intellect to challenge the status quo and the courage to demand answers. She differentiates between erotic fiction and the much less popular facts and logic that support a scientific understanding of our sexuality.

Ways Women Orgasm presents real women’s sexual experiences:

  • What real women say: Real women respond very differently to how women are portrayed in pornography and other erotic fiction.
  • Orgasm techniques: A woman has to use erotic turn-ons (just as men do) to achieve the kind of sexual arousal that leads to orgasm.
  • The politics of sex: Women boast about orgasm as a male turn-on. These are not realistic accounts of how women truly orgasm.
  • Men & sex play: Women can make more of their sex lives by exploring techniques and ideas for more adventurous sex play.

All the text (132 articles) from Jane’s book ‘Ways Women Orgasm’ is replicated on the website WaysWomenOrgasm.org under the top menu headings: REAL WOMEN, ORGASM TECHNIQUES, SEXUAL POLITICS & SEX PLAY (33 articles in each category).

Thanks to all my fans!

Your research has been enlightening me, no doubt about that. Kashif

Wow. Very few people will dive into such a difficult truth for so many. Thanks! Nina

I like what you’ve written here. Your writing is easy to read, but very interesting. Vernon

I’m 55 and you certainly make me think and learn. Thank you. I love learning from you! Fred

My wife & I have viewed your sites and find them most interesting. Very educational. David R.

You are great Jane. Your contribution to society is motivating​ all of us. Thank you so much for being with us. Yadav

Thank you for creating a site where both women and men can learn and share experiences about the most basic of human needs. Ann

If more men would take the time to understand their women this way the number of happy marriages would no doubt increase! David S.

I think the work that you do is super! I basically live for the joy of sex. But I’ve got a lot to learn and I hope you can teach me more. Ben

A great reference guide for those challenged by elusive sexual satisfactions. Thank you, I have referred several women to your site. Joseph

It was nice to find a site that is genuinely trying to help women with honest information and with no hidden agenda. It’s about the only one on the web I think. Cathy

… Jane’s website is genuinely trying to help women with honest information … AND it helps men too. If they want a better perspective. It is truly a site that will Open Your Eyes. Jeff

Hi Jane, A quickie… Just a short message to thank you for your brutal candour and honesty. I’ve now read your Ways Women Orgasm book and loved it. Your regular posts etc are brilliant. Carlos

Your RSM video presentation is impressive, Jane. It takes a lot of courage to stand up and present, let alone about such a taboo subject. Some excellent points. Well done again and very best of luck with your future public talks. ToteScrote

So far, what I have read on your website, I find accurate. I think many women also find it accurate and the reality of it is disturbing. If sex education was really taught to girls, not reproductive education, we would be better off, because we would know the facts, not the fiction about sex. Peanut