Regardless of gender, sexual activity that is aimed at achieving orgasm involves continuous rhythmic movements [i] of the whole body focused primarily on the pelvis. The hips are thrust forward or gyrated in a rolling motion and the buttocks clamped together. The toes or feet may be pointed. Some experts advise women to tense their buttocks or point their toes to increase their chances of having an orgasm. Rather like suggesting someone should yawn to induce sleep, this confuses cause and effect. Subconscious reflexes that result from orgasm cannot be applied to cause orgasm.
Regardless of gender we all start out much the same in the womb. A process (called atrophy) inhibits the development of the superfluous anatomy. In the male, the Wolffian ducts develop into the vas deferens (and other tubes required for ejaculation of semen) that connects the testes to the penis. But they waste away in the female. The Müllerian ducts persist in the female to become the uterus and vagina but they disappear in the male.
The male and female external genitalia look identical until seven weeks. The sex (XY & XX) chromosomes determine whether the gonads become the testes (male) or the ovaries (female). The labioscrotal folds become the scrotum (male) and the labia (female). Thereafter the testes and ovaries produce hormones that drive further differentiation (concluded at puberty).
The genital tubercle develops into the phallus, which is the first rudiment of the penis or clitoris. In the male the pelvic portion of the cloaca undergoes significantly more development to become the much larger penis. The difference is that most women never realise they even have a clitoris.
When I masturbate, I adopt a comforting position of lying on my front with the fingers of both hands placed on my vulva. My index fingers massage over the hood of my clitoris and my second fingers over the sides of my labia. While I generate some arousal (by focusing on fantasy) I gyrate my hips gently. But as I get close to orgasm, I rhythmically thrust my hips forward by clenching my buttocks. I then press down more firmly into the spongy tissue either side of the labia (immediately below the pubic bone). The clitoral organ is pressured between my fingers and pelvic muscles.
As a mature woman (especially if the arousal phase extends for more than a few minutes) vaginal lubrication can get in the way of my fingers providing the stimulation (traction of dry fingers) that I need to orgasm. Also the area alongside my labia remains swollen after orgasm. Gently stroking over the glans is mildly pleasurable and there is a tiny blip of sensitivity.
[i] One of the most striking aspects of a sexual performance is the development of neuromuscular tensions throughout the body … There may be occasional moments when the movements cease and the muscles are held in continuous tension; but … there is usually a flow of continuous muscular movement from the first moment of arousal to the moment of orgasm. (Alfred Kinsey)
Excerpt from Sexuality & Sexual Techniques (ISBN 978-0956-894724)