Sexuality & Sexual Techniques

Hi, I am Jane Thomas. I write about sexual techniques and sex play that focus on pleasuring women. I try to bring some common sense to sex education. I recommend a sense of humour and a sense of fun to heterosexual couples who hope to enjoy an active sex life over decades together.

I am passionate about combatting sexual ignorance and I make my work available via the internet to encourage discussion of the issues by the widest possible audience.

Sexuality & Sexual Techniques

You can buy the booklet (41 pages) ‘Sexuality & Sexual Techniques’ (ISBN 978-0956-894724 – first published 2015 – updated 2021) from Amazon:

The mating act lies at the heart of men’s sexual drive and women’s desire for family. So heterosexual women’s sexuality has always been defined in terms of intercourse. But Alfred Kinsey challenged this view. This book follows on from his work, which remains the most comprehensive and authoritative account of sexuality we have.

Sexuality & Sexual Techniques promotes ideas for a variety of techniques beyond intercourse. It also suggests how couples can enjoy great sex by understanding men and women’s emotional needs.

All of the text (41 articles) from Jane’s booklet ‘Sexuality & Sexual Techniques’ is available on this website under the top menu heading ‘SEXUALITY & TECHNIQUES’ (41 articles in this category).

To all of those brave enough to comment!

Dear Jane, I admire the work you have done. Phillip

Thank you. I’m really learning though admittedly slowly. Tony

Your research is COMPLETELY trustworthy for anyone. Abhinav

I love what you do. I’m glad there are people like you in the world. 🙂 Dao

Your articles reveal a reality which many of us didn’t know. An eye opener. Thanks, Rafi

Just wanted to thank you in person. I love your posts – open honest and informative. Jin-ah

Thanks Jane, I appreciate learning the facts even though they seem somehow harsh to swallow. Hugs José

Dearest Jane, Your articles are Amazingly True, as found after discussing with my wife. Hearty Congrats. Dave H.

I am really thankful to you for your articles, which I read regularly. They are helpful & reveal so many myths. Anil

I really appreciate that you’re tackling this subject. You’re doing what no one else is doing. I have great respect for you and what you’re doing. Shawna

Dear Jane, your work is fabulous! As a psychologist, your information has really been a great asset in helping my clients. Thank you for all you do!! Sincerely, Dr Rosalinda

Thanks for sharing real issues and topics about sex knowledge – most appropriate things to discuss. Your work is really essential and important. I’m your long term supporter. Keep in touch ok and stay blessed. Irfan

I think your posts are extremely valuable, for both men and women. They are not promoting sex but healthier relationships. Often our struggles with intimacy are problematic as neither side is open to discussing it. Jean Claude

It is an eye opener to be more genuine. Thank you for writing and talking about it. Being a genuine voice is equal to be a Goddess in its highest. I understand lot about you from your writing. Thank you for serving the world so nicely. Jijo

This is a great topic to share about, eternally interesting to get people to come out and discuss it like gardening. Then we all wouldn’t be so isolated in our own secrecy thinking everyone else has it better and something is wrong with us. Hurrah! Ave